Crowdsourcing research on the (in)visibility of AAPI voices in Christian mediaI am passionate about highlighting and promoting AAPI Christian voices in the Church, especially because it is so hard to find. Beyond…Sep 26, 2021Sep 26, 2021
Evangelical men and their views on womenI spent January tweeting (@joshswu) analysis of survey data about the gender norms of evangelical men. Using data from the 2020…Jan 31, 2021Jan 31, 2021
The political churchThe church needs to recognize how political evangelicals are so that it has a strategy to re-forge unity after this contentious electionOct 17, 2020Oct 17, 2020
Abortion matters for some Christians, though many support a party despite their abortion positionIt is myth that Christians are all pro-life Republicans; many do not oppose abortion and identify with a party oppose their abortion views.Sep 9, 2020Sep 9, 2020
Many faithful Christians are DemocratsThe claim that to be godly is to be Republican is at best factually incomplete and at worse culturally naïve and arrogant.Aug 28, 2020Aug 28, 2020
Gospel over Justice leads to neither Gospel or JusticeThe Puritans’ focus on saving slaves’ souls but not freeing their bodies show us how the danger of this seemingly Christian but flawed ideaJul 26, 2020Jul 26, 2020
The power plays of rejecting critical race theory and embracing of Enlightenment thoughtHow does the selective embrace of Enlightenment thought during the Revolution teach us about the rejection of critical race theory today?Jul 16, 2020Jul 16, 2020
Puritans owned slavesOur response to the history of Puritans owning slaves reflects how the Church continues to struggle with race and whose voices countJun 28, 2020Jun 28, 2020
Learning the missing lessonsWhy do we as the Church allow if not welcome some “secular” things in, call it “Christian”, but then reject other “secular” things?Jun 25, 2020Jun 25, 2020